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Local Economic Development


The industrial area is situated adjacent to and north east of the CBD. It is clear that the Ficksburg railway station and railway sidings formed the backbone of the industrial area.

Prominent land uses within the industrial area include grain silos, food processing plants, a clothing factory, wholesale warehouses, panel beaters, etc. A secondary light industrial area is situated at the Van Soelen Street (Terror Lekota Drive) entrance to Meqheleng. Some industries also occur in the centre CBD of Ficksburg and Caledon Park.


Only one industrial area exists in Clocolan. Situated on the eastern side of town the location was determined to a large extent by the railway line, which can still be a large benefit to this area. Only 45 % of the existing sites are occupied. For future establishment of industries no spatial impact is predicted. The area is very accessible with vehicle and rail and only about 2km from the Hlohlolwane area.


The greater Marquard area does not have an industrial area like other towns. The area towards the silos and railway line has been developed with land uses that can be associated with industrial activities, like the auction kraal and silo. However, smaller light industries have developed along the major access road to Marquard as part of the business corridor. This trend will continue and should be encouraged, especially along the connector road with Moemaneng. Moemaneng has 2 light industries that have been developed.


The industrial area is located between Senekal and Matwabeng and is quite central towards both areas. The industrial area could be extended towards Matwabeng and along Johan Du Plessis Street towards the Senekal/Bethlehem road but note should be taken of the restrictions of the refuse dump. It is also important to note at Matwabeng that light industrial erven could be established between zone 4 and the proposed provincial road as planned. This was a proposal in the 1989 Matwabeng Structure Plan. It was also found during the planning session with the Steering Committee that planning should be done to create the entities as needed for light industrial purposes.